Dogs Breakfast

a blog about nothing in particular

3D Printed Struglles

Post 3, Thrusday November 9, 2023

3D Printers are a rabbit hole eh?
The new bed is awesome, it gives the first layer a really nice smooth finish but I started to run into some warping issues. Never had problems with warping before. A quick google landed me at a CNC Kitchen Youtube video that really helps understanding why warping happens with a great analogy, but not much in the way of helping fix my issues. Go figure.
After a bit more googling around, I'm under the assumption that I should really dial in my bed leveling. Which I intended to do tonight, and do the same test print to see if/how the warp changes. However, when I was fixing this, i realised that my X Axis Gantry was quite loose on the non threaded side. Quickly I realised that the bolts holding it to the Z Axis Stepper Motor assembly were quite loose. So I winded the gantry to the top and tightend them, not paying attention to how unlevel the gantry would be. Very unlevel. This took about an hour to find out once I had the printer back together, and when I figured out why, I quickly realised that this would be a weekend job.
As far as i'm concered, there's no shame in quitting while you're ahead. I have work tomorrow anyway, I'd rather be sleeping. Will take some photos when I manage to get a good print :^).
See you on Saturday!

Finally 3D printing again!

Post 2, Tuesday November 7, 2023

Hello once again!
It's been a pretty good start to the week. Started work again yesterday, Boss sure knows how to keep me working. Looking foward to that this Summer. Really enjoyed last year.
In other news, I finally got a new bed for my printers. Not really breaking the mold with this I'm sure. I had one of those magnetic beds before, but it was so scuffed I couldnt print on it, so I got a new one.
I didn't know what material I wanted the new bed to be made out of. I was wondering if glass would be a good play, but I then learned about Garolite (G10) from a video by Scott Yu-Jan. I found a supplier in NZ that sold it for pretty cheap, so I went with that. Trying a test print tonight.
Will post photos of what I print soon!
See you on Thursday.

The Beginning

Post 1, Sunday November 5, 2023

Hi all,
I've been sitting on this idea for the last year or so, running out the clock on when I would actually start writing shit down again. And now is that time.
I'm not sure how often I'll end up posting here, depends on how interesting my life is I guess. Only time can tell how that will age. Hoping that ages like wine and not milk. I'm hoping to post something every other day. Not sure if I'll have much to say, but It's more about the act of doing it.

See you on the 7th :)

About Me

Hi, I'm Ricky.
I'm a 19 y/o university student from New Zealand.